Wuwu Woman

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The Science Behind Spiritual Warfare

I wrote a blog post last year regarding how all of the toxins in our environment can lower our vibration and cut off our connection to Source energy and All That Is. You can read that post here:


A friend sent me this video the other day with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt explaining just how this works. (I’ve embedded the video below) He so succinctly sums up just how this happens, and I felt compelled to share, as well as offer some practices which you can add to your daily routine, to empower and protect yourself. There is a connection between the levels of aluminum that end up in our bodies from geoengineering, the glyphosphate that ends up in our bodies from pesticides, the fluoride that ends up in our bodies because it is added to our drinking water, and how wifi reacts with these toxins to inhibit the function of the pineal gland, a tiny gland in the center of our head where our third eye chakra is. It controls the endocrine system, hormone function, and is known as the “seat of the soul”, the connection to All That Is. As someone who used to heavily ingest toxins like alcohol, fast food, etc, and have since shifted my lifestyle to a healthier one, (not a perfect one, but much cleaner and healthier) I can say the difference in wellness, brain health, and ability to feel connected is astounding. First I gave up alcohol, started eating healthier, more organic, and started exercising regularly. Then I took up chanting and meditation, and used reiki and plant medicines, and other spiritual practices for energy and trauma healing, as we must heal that which weighs us down. When I found out about orgone energy and it immediately cured my wifi-induced insomnia, as well as make me feel more relaxed and focused, that was a huge win. Healing sleep and the ability to meditate deeply and focus is so important for well-being. Taking care to avoid fluoridated water is also something that is fairly easy to do. When it is known that fluoride is a neurotoxin, yet it is still added to drinking water in most places throughout the United States, you do have to question the intentions of those at the top who are pulling the strings. Fluoride inhibits the blood-brain barrier, allowing aluminum into our brains, where it can cause damage. All of this creates the perfect storm, which harms our brain, and thus the function of our pineal gland. This harms us not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. I’ve attached an article about fluoride below, which links to studies, if you’d like to read more about that.



So what can we do about it? While this all seems quite terrible, and it is, there is no need to be in fear. While awareness is the catalyst to change, fear will only lower your frequency, and isn’t the point to raise it? What we can do is be more aware of the toxins we are exposed to, and how to best avoid them.

Eat Clean

I’m not a doctor, but I think we can all agree that avoiding food and water that have been infused with toxins is a good idea for anyone. Eat organic as much as possible. We now have to worry about even organic food being contaminated with metals as well due to geoengineering. While driving across the state of California, I saw planes spraying metal dust right on top of organic farms all day long. While there is evidence that orgone energy can repel this pollution, until we can cover that much ground, or get the geoengineering programs to end, we are at risk of ingesting metals in our food. That is why it is important, even if you are eating organic, to still make efforts to detox metals from the body. (If you’d like to read about my rainwater test, I’ve linked that post below.)


Typically, people detox metals by drinking clean mineral water, eating green, leafy foods, ingesting a little apple cider vinegar every day, and possibly taking supplements such as spirulina or zeolites. We are all different, with different dietary needs. If you would like to change your diet in order to detox metals from your body, please consult with your healthcare provider to see which method or methods are right for you. Play it safe, as what works for me might not work for you, and vice versa. We can all likely benefit from clean water and organic vegetables, but be careful with supplements. A doctor that specializes in natural medicine can help you to decide what dietary changes to make, if you need supplements, and which ones to choose. I will link an article here from a doctor that has some great advice for detoxing metals.


Drinking clean water is so important. Drinking clean, activated water is even better. Anyone familiar with Dr. Emoto’s work with water know of it’s ability to hold energy and frequency.


Since our bodies are made of mostly water, and carry energy, don’t you want to drink the best, cleanest water that you can? Water that has been through at least a reverse-osmosis process removes fluoride. Most of the commercial water filters sold in big box stores actually do not remove fluoride; the only one I know of that does is the Zero water filter. The dirtier the water is, the more the filter needs to be changed. While bottled water is readily available, some of it actually contains fluoride, yikes. Not to mention it is best to reduce plastic waste whenever possible. My solution that has worked out for me personally has been to have a Zero water filter which I use mostly only for cooking water. (When you cook with tap water, you are cooking fluoride right into your food.) For drinking water, I have reusable, BPA-free plastic bottles, which I take to a nearby water store to fill. If you don’t have this convenience in your area, investing in a proper, long-lasting filter might be a good idea. Do your research to see which one is best for you and your budget. Many water filter companies do not say whether or not their product removes fluoride, you may have to call and ask. If you are going to use a water filter, you want to get as much gunk out as possible.

Once I have my clean water, I activate it with scalar energy by placing the bottle right on top of one of my orgone energy charging plates. I can feel the difference, and I swear it even makes it taste better. I wrote a blog about this also, I will link it below if you would like to further research charging your drinking water with life force energy.


I might be a little “extra”, but I also add additional crystals to the water to create a healing elixir. If you are going to try this, please be safe, as some crystals are toxic to ingest. You are always safe to use the indirect method of charging your water. You can do this by placing whatever crystal or crystals you wish to charge your water with in a separate container, underneath the water bottle. The energy will penetrate, but the toxins will not touch the water. I am wild, I just toss the crystals right in, but of course I only do this after making sure that crystal is safe to use. My personal favorites are herkimer diamond and rose quartz. Amethyst makes a healing water. Hematite makes for a very grounding water. Of course, you must cleanse the crystals from time to time so they can continue to do their job.

Use Orgone Energy To Mitigate Wifi & Repel Metals

Since there is ample evidence that orgone energy can reduce the harm that wifi causes to our energy bodies, and there is wifi everywhere nowadays, having orgone energy near all sources of major EMF output in places where you spend the most time is a good idea. It’s even better if you can grid your yard with tower busters, to help repel fallen metal dust. Having a piece of orgone energy near your computer router, near where you sleep, and some pieces outdoors can be done at a reasonable price, and with minimal effort. If you want to take it a step further, you can even help your community by gifting orgone energy tower busters to local cell towers, or any area you feel called to. The energy is good for wildlife and has been shown to increase plant growth, so by doing this you are helping the environment to flourish.

Peaceful Activism For Change

These are all great methods to protect ourselves and those around us for the time-being, but in the long run, it is not right that these toxins which we know are not healthy, are forced on us and the Earth every day. Just as Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt says in the video below, which you should watch if you haven’t yet, or aren’t aware of these things, these programs could just be ended at any moment. What causes change faster than anything? Public demand. Call your congressperson, senator, Assembly Member, anyone who deals with your local politics, and tell them that you support a ban on 5G, pesticides and geoengineering. If you’d like to take action, but are shy or don’t want to call, there are many online petitions dealing with these issues that you can sign. I will link a couple below. If there are peaceful demonstrations surrounding these issues in your area, show up to lend support for the cause. I hope you have found this information to be helpful, wishing health and connection. x


