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Vlog - Current Events: Sociopaths, World Economic Forum & Transhumanism

Hey guys, hope all reading this are doing well. I have not put up a blog post for awhile. I was busy getting my book ready to publish late last year, (get your copy here) then the holiday season came, and now it’s February, time has been flying by. I have also been doing more videos when I have an idea I want to share. I did a series yesterday about current events and how we got here. I’ve been observing the media and control system for some time, I think we all need to pay attention, and learn their games so that they cannot trick people any longer. Have you ever heard the phrase “Everything is a rich man’s trick”? If nothing else the past two years have taught us that. In this series of videos I did for Tiktok, I discuss why sociopaths are sought out for positions of power, the World Economic Forum and their influence on tyrannical politicians, and the transhumanist agenda. In my opinion, it is the job of lightworkers to shine a light on what is dark, to expose it, so that people can make informed choices about their own freedom and sovereignty. The so-called “vaccines” (experimental gene therapy) that have been pushed on the public, as well as the masks and test swabs, have been shown to contain graphene oxide. While this material may be useful in technology, it has been shown to be unsafe in the human body. Human blood which was exposed to orgone energy has shown to be healthier, so if you are not already using this technology, it probably could not hurt to get some, which you can obtain by clicking the Shop tab above. Here is a link to Dr. Glen Rein’s research on scalar energy. You can watch the video series below, and as always, I encourage you to do your own research.