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The Importance of Discernment For Lightworkers Starseeds & Healers

This morning, a friend of mine reached out to me. She was watching videos on youtube, and a reiki healer, who has a large following, was telling her followers to cover their face, inhibiting their oxygen flow, and to take a questionable, toxic substance that has raised many red flags the more it is studied, into their bodies. I have seen those who identify as lightworkers, healers and starseeds who have expressed racism against others, falling for woke agendas which divide and conquer. I have seen some of them promote and tell their followers to vote for politicians who have taken human freedom, promoted medical tyranny and the nefarious agendas of the World Economic Forum.

We all have free will, and everyone is allowed to form their own opinions and express them. But I was dismayed to see so many healers falling for the dark agendas that are affecting everyone on the planet right now. We have all been indoctrinated since birth into a system that is designed to make us believe that those who are pulling the strings of government, media and corporations, have our best interest at heart, but sadly, that is often not the case. The majority of media is manipulated to divide us up, and make us think that those who are pulling the puppet strings, are heroes out to help us, and those who warn that all is not as it seems, and that there is manipulation at play, are demonized as “crazy” or “conspiracy theorists.” This tactic is used to shame people and scare them against speaking out. This is the modern day version of colonizers storming into villages and making them give up their practices of shamanism, magick and ritual, in favor of guilt-based Christianity, a religion whose core teachings were also highly manipulated to control the populace and turn them into subservient slaves, happy to live in poverty and fearing the wrath of hell. (The bible being a highly manipulated, omitted and misunderstood teaching is a discussion for another time, but you get my drift.) Some people do not realize that they are still colonized, but instead of pushing a religion, they are pushing the modern day version of the same control system without even realizing it. The new “savages” are those who speak against lockdowns, suspect and forced medical treatments and the like. It’s a new time but the same game.

There are many lightworkers out there also promoting the truth, who see through the facade, and kudos to them. It is not always easy or well-received to speak the truth. It takes courage to realize that if you say something, some people won’t like you, but you know it needs to be said anyway. We are in a spiritual battle here on Earth and it’s not always pretty or easy. Humanity is on the verge of ascending to higher consciousness, and there are groups who wish to suppress, control, even kill humans to ensure their continued dominance over systems on the planet.

What separates the wheat from the chaff in this case is discernment. The ability to distinguish the dark from the light. As I said before and as is stated in the ‘Law of One’, we have free will here and the ability to choose between the positive path, (compassion, acceptance, freedom, service to others, abundance) or the negative path. (control, discrimination, greed, service to self) The dark will always tell you it is the light. The dark will always try to convince you that by following this person or that person, this agenda or that agenda, that you are helping and doing what is best, when actually these people have been tricked into supporting the negative path. Let’s discuss a few ways we can use our discernment, to help us to form beliefs and opinions that are in the highest good of ourselves as well as those around us.

Tips To Develop Discernment

For starters, it is helpful to know that the majority of media, about 90%, is owned and controlled by only five corporations. Many journalists who have worked for mainstream news corporations, have reported that there is a narrative that must be followed, and that those who step out of line are ousted from their jobs. Pharmaceutical companies that make billions in profits off of our sickness and compliance, openly fund the news stations which report on how their products are performing. The government agencies which regulate these companies, are also funded by them, as are the politicians which create our policies and laws. This has created a mass network of corruption one must sift through in order to determine what is true. Sadly, humans have also been conditioned to believe that they are not smart or capable enough to determine what is going on, that they need one of these corrupt journalists or so called “experts” to tell them. That’s hogwash, and if you think that about yourself, you are already submitted to their system. I am here to lovingly tell you, to snap out of it, you are smart! Figuring out what is true and what is not, and who has your best interest at heart and who doesn’t is a skill that can be developed. I used to watch the same information and believe the same things as everyone else. However when I noticed that my reality was not matching up with what I was being told, I began to pay more attention.

You Are Smart

You are smart and just as capable as any journalist in figuring out what is going on. Instead of taking media stories at face value, go look at the sourced information, the witness reports, the documents, whatever it may be, for yourself. Ask a lot of questions. Who is funding this? Who does this benefit? What is the possible agenda or agendas behind this? Learn to analyze media stories and spot when they are using what I call the “shame and blame” technique, a divide and conquer tactic. Does your media in any way make you angry at another group of people? Watch out for that. The media uses our emotions, and the human desire to do good and be good, to manipulate people to hate under the guise of helping, or under the guise of promoting equality. That’s how sneaky this is, they make you think that by getting mad at another group of people, you are helping people to become more equal. Something that is truly promoting equality, does not shame or blame people for things in the past they had nothing to do with, it brings people together in unity to heal from the past and form a better future. They know we create our reality, which is why the control system works hard to pit us against each other. We are easier to control if we are divided in groups fighting each other, instead of united against them. Once more people wake up to this, it’s game over.

Cancel culture was created to silence anyone who steps out of line, it’s fascism wearing the costume of virtue. It’s time to try forgiveness, compassion, unity instead. They have even demonized people from different cultures hanging out together and learning from each other. In the past, cultures always shared with each other and showed appreciation for one another by adopting goods, customs or food from each other. It’s how we grow, we should be a global family. Not in the way The World Economic Forum wants which is a system of control, but in the way that we know we are all brothers and sisters just doing our best. They say they want globalism, but then they try to isolate us into groups and discourage us from speaking to or sharing with one another. The ways they have made entire cultures of people feel guilty for simply being who they are living where they do, because of the war games they want to play, and it’s easier with our support. This sickness needs to end. It’s time for lightworkers who truly want to help free humanity, to snap out of the control system themselves if they have inadvertently been supporting it. We all are a part of it in some way if we live in this society, but do not allow anyone to make you have ill will towards someone for their skin color, ethnic origin, political preference, etc. It really has been difficult for some of us to relate to each other, with all of the propaganda we have endured, but we have to try, or at the very least not support control systems which harm your fellow people. The true lightworkers are here to shine a light on darkness, expose the control systems for what they are, and then light the way to create a better future. We all have our purpose; some to spread truth, some to heal, some to just shine our own light to help others. We all make mistakes and we all get caught up, nobody is perfect. Let’s forgive, heal, and move forward in the best way possible. That is how we move towards the best possible outcome. I love you guys thanks for reading!
