Reiki Charged Moonstone Rose Quartz Black Tourmaline Orgone Pyramid

3.75" at the base and about 2.5" in height, this orgone energy pyramid has a powerful combination of reiki-charged healing stones. The tip has a piece of raw rainbow moonstone, green fluorite, blue kyanite, black tourmaline, and pieces of small tumbled rose quartz and fire agate, swirling with real goldleaf, cast in clear polyester resin. The base has a piece of raw shungite, steel and copper spheres, brass and aluminum shavings, cast in a layer of deep espresso and a layer of shimmering white polyester resin. Rainbow moonstone has a calming energy, is known to balance masculine and feminine energies, and as is name suggests, is associated with cycles of the moon. Blue kyanite is a cleansing stone, associated with the throat chakra. Rose quartz, the stone of love, has a calming energy, and is associated with the heart chakra. Green fluorite, known to protect against electromagnetic frequencies as well as cleanse the aura, is also associated with the heart chakra. Fire agate, associated with the lower chakras, is known to shield the body from harm and send psychic attacks back to the source. Black tourmaline is a grounding stone, known to disperse negative energies of all kinds, protecting against electromagnetic frequency, as does shungite. Gold is known to be one of the most conductive metals.